The crown of God's creation is humanity, whom He has made in His image to reflect His glory. He made Adam and Eve male and female, and breathed into them the spirit of life so that they became living souls capable of enjoying a personal relationship with him. He established the relationship of man and woman in marriage as a covenant. He also gave them the power of choice which, tragically, they used to disobey Him, and in so doing passed on their fallen nature to all humanity.
All who have received salvation become members of Christ's church. They are his disciples. To them is given the task and privilege of being his ambassadors to represent their master to the world, and to proclaim the good news of reconciliation to God through Jesus Christ, God's Son, and his sacrifice.
The Church functions as a body. God, by his Spirit, gives gifts which equip every member to contribute to the church's ministry, and, for the church to be healthy, every member must be playing his or her part. All believers are priests, with access to God in prayer and worship solely on the ground of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, God's Son. The typical pattern of church government, presented by the New Testament, is that of oversight by a group of elders. This provides the pattern for church leadership in our own day. The Lord Jesus Christ has asked his disciples to remember him regularly in the celebration of the Lord's Supper (or Communion). This is a focus of the shared spiritual life of the Church, and expresses the unity of believers in Jesus Christ. Baptism by immersion in water is a symbolic act in which believers publicly declare their commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ.