Stewards Trust
The Stewards' Trust of New Zealand Incorporated (our full legal name) is an Incorporated Society and is a registered charitable entity in terms of the New Zealand Charities Commission (CC10270). For more information, visit the Charities Register at
Stewards' Trust has a variety of roles. It: Provides a property trustee service; can be named in your Will to receive legacies for Christian work. You can specify your particular interests; receives and administers various funds, principally for Christian work within New Zealand, associated with Brethren assemblies; provides backing for Strength and Unity Conferences for Brethren leaders; can put you or your church in touch with people who can offer you help and guidance with property and finance related matters; has provided information and assistance to churches to assist them with the registration process for the New Zealand Charities Commission; has established a Group Insurance Scheme for churches and has assisted some churches with insurance matters.