
Supporting churches in a flourishing prayer life to live out Jesus' words, "It is written, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer'..."

God has established prayer as the means by which we communicate with him and grow in our love for him. 

There is power in prayer for the individual but also for the Church, because prayer shapes the life of the Church. 

What a gift we have in prayer! 

“His ability to do the impossible should make our hearts soar and ask for the impossible, but his sovereignty and wisdom should keep us grounded... and we trust him regardless. Peace is found there and only there.”

- John Onwuchekwa.  

Jackie Millar

Jackie Millar is the Prayer Enabler for CCCNZ. She has a passion for prayer and has been involved in various prayer ministries for many years. In this role, Jackie encourages the prayer ministry of CCCNZ. Jackie and her husband Ken fellowship at Raleigh Street Christian Centre with their two daughters and foster children.


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