The book 'Lead With Prayer' shapes the training in our discussions and practical application suggestions.
EQUIP CCCNZ Prayer Online Training
Starting on Wednesday 21 May and finishing on Wednesday 25 June, there will be six consecutive, weekly, hour-long, Zoom sessions with others across New Zealand.
We'll be running two cohorts, one on Wednesday 1pm - 2pm, and one on Wednesday 7.30pm - 8.30pm. Participants can choose one cohort to join.
We will work through the book Lead With Prayer by Cameron Doolittle, Peter Greer, and Ryan Skoog. Each session will involve in-depth discussion and practical application suggestions and learnings.
Weekly Zoom sessions (choose one):
Cohort #1: Wednesday 1pm - 2pm
Cohort #2: Wednesday 7.30pm - 8.30pm
Each cohort will meet for six consecutive, weekly, hour-long Zoom sessions with others across New Zealand.
One group meets on Wednesdays 1pm - 2pm and one meets on Wednesdays at 7.30pm - 8.30pm.
EQUIP has highlighted the need to keep moving and encouraging in this space and supporting those that do have the positions to make changes
-Previous EQUIP Prayer Participant
Participants read a chapter or two, as per the reading plan, in preparation for each session.
The group will meet via Zoom, weekly, for a facilitated discussion on the chapter(s) of the book and application in their church context.
- To provide foundational training for those passionate about prayer in their local church setting.
- To create unity and connection with others across New Zealand also passionate about prayer.
- To provide practical ideas and solutions to mobilise prayer in churches.
- To pray for one another and our churches.
"Hearing the experience of others has been so encouraging."
-Previous EQUIP Prayer Participant

We will read Lead With Prayer by Cameron Doolittle, Peter Greer, and Ryan Skoog and discuss what we're reading over six sessions.
How Leaders Prioritise Prayer: Chapters 1 - 2
How Leaders Prioritise Prayer: Chapters 3 - 4
How Leaders Grow In Their Prayer Life: Chapters 5 - 7
How Leaders Grow In Their Prayer Life: Chapters 8 - 10
How Leaders Multiply Prayer Within Their Organisations: Chapters 11 - 14
How Leaders Multiply Prayer Within Their Organisations – concluding thoughts and practical considerations for the local church.
Time together in EQUIP will include:
Getting to understand one another's church context and prayer within those contexts.
Q&A and/or discussion on the selected chapter reading.
Practical considerations and applications of chapter reading, including referencing the book website that has additional tools and resources.
Time in prayer.

Jackie serves and supports churches within the CCCNZ/Open Brethren Heritage movement in the area of Prayer. She has a passion for prayer and has been involved in various prayer ministries, in various church settings, for many years. In this role, Jackie encourages the prayer ministry among our movement by supporting prayer intercessors in their local church context, and working alongside people and churches who are keen to grow prayer ministries. Jackie and her husband Ken fellowship at Raleigh Street Christian Centre.
Get in touch
021 044 0245
Register your interest and preferred times