Many families in isolation are looking for activities to keep busy while isolating.
The team at Onslow Community Church in Wellington are creating “Iso packs” to support church and community families in isolation. Heather Rhodes Robinson writes:
“We have an amazing lady on our pastoral care team who has organised a freezer full of meals for church and community households who are isolating. Our Kids' Ministry team are doing packs for our families that go alongside the meals. We are encouraging our families to let us know when they are isolating with Covid so that we can be praying for them.”
Onslow’s packs include:
- Frozen Meal
- Packet of seeds to plant together
- Card/envelope so your family can write an encouraging note to someone
- Memory Verse printed on photo paper for everyone to learn together
- A new recipe to try
- Colouring in competition
- Treasure Hunt
- Pack of cards/plastic spoons—instructions to play the card game 'spoons.
How are you supporting families in your community? Share your ideas on our Children and Families Ministry Facebook page.