Robert Mitchell, Tasman Church
My Father, I give thanks first for past leaders who were faithful to Your calling in using the gifts of grace You gave them, to bear testimony of Christ in the places You put them. I thank you also for today’s leaders, whether a leader of few or a leader of many; whether a leader in the church or a leader in the community; for they are a blessing as they demonstrate faith, wisdom, humility, care, patience and perseverance to those they lead.
I ask that You comfort and encourage them today, causing them to remember Your faithfulness and that Your calling is without repentance. May they be assured of their identity and security in You; may they not be stymied by fear, self-doubt, failure or the rejection and discouragement of people, but seek only to please You by obedience to Your Word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. May they experience the comfort You give and the refreshing You send, in the same manner as the Apostle Paul experienced, as he spoke of “conflicts externally and fears internally, but God who comforts the discouraged, comforted us by the arrival of Titus.” (2 Corinthians 7:5-6) Bless them in ways that remind them of Your goodness.
Direct their paths into Your places of rest and renew their strength as they wait upon You.
In the midst of trials, cause the genuineness of their faith to shine through in praise, honour and glory to Jesus our Lord. Help them to be steadfast in trusting You when the way forward is unclear and needs seem overwhelming. May leaders be reminded of Your promise to complete the good work that You have begun in them. Help them resist the temptation to give up and instead to trust in You to fulfil Your word.
As Paul had Timothy, so grant our leaders discernment to identify Your chosen people whom they are to train in Your ways and to whom they may pass on the baton of leadership. Help leaders to know when it is Your time for them to move aside and hand over responsibility to others. Keep them on the course that You have ordained for them so that they too may say “I have completed the race, I have kept the faith”.
Lord, I ask You to bless them and increase their sphere of influence in accordance with Your will, that Your hand be upon them and You keep them from evil. (I Chronicles 4:10)
Lord, may the prayer of the church in Acts be theirs also - “grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word...”
I ask You to cause their love for You and for people to abound and that they be filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God.
I ask in the name of Jesus, our High Priest and Advocate who intercedes for us, with the knowledge that if I ask anything according to His will He hears me, and that I have the petitions I have asked of Him. To You Lord be all glory, amen.