The Church in Ephesus is a mess.
False teachers and teaching are wreaking havoc.
False teachers focus on feathering their own platforms, power, and wealth in the process. Relationships are at breaking point.
What does Christian Leadership involve in a time of dissension?
Look with me through 1 Timothy 6:11-21
It involves being reminded who we are and whose we are as leaders. Christian leadership in a time of dissension involves:
Fleeing the noise (6:11)
In 1 Timothy 6:4-5 Christian Leadership involves fleeing an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels. It involves fleeing malicious talk, fleeing constant friction, fleeing exploitive teaching and teachers.
Finding Grace (6:11)
Christian leaders drink deeply from the fountain of righteousness, godliness, faith, love endurance and gentleness, who is Jesus Christ himself.
Fighting the good fight of faith (6:12)
Christian Leaders persevere.
Focusing on who God is (6:13-16)
Focusing on who God is: the One who creates, sustains and rules over all things, the only ruler and ultimate King and what he has done and will do when Jesus returns.
Notice here that Paul uses Pilate, and by inference Rome, as a basic prop in his argument. Our primary focus is the actual centre of power, the ultimate power, the goodness and greatness of God revealed to us in Jesus' death, resurrection, and return.
Front footing the social implications of the gospel (6:17-20)
Hope in God and help for those in need in the Church are different sides of the same coin. Our wealth and good works are tangible expressions of our worship.
In this moment, ministry might seem overwhelming. Can I encourage you:
The God of the Bible loves you! Through his Son, by his Spirit, from his Word, God speaks to you and encourages you—the wisdom and insight you'll find in the Scriptures is enough to equip you for every good work in this difficult season.