It’s a disorientating time.
Jessica O'Connor and Dion Reynolds were young Kiwi trampers who went into the Kahurangi National Park in Nelson/Tasman on May 8 2020. They got disorientated in thick fog. 19 days later Search and Rescue discovered them.
Once Jessica and Dion knew they were lost they had a choice, either give into distraction and keep wandering, or concentrate and stay in one spot.
In this time of disorientation I need to choose between distraction and concentration on a daily basis.
Psalm 24:1-2 invites us to concentrate on God:
The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters.
The Psalmist wants me to concentrate:
- On the Lord who owns this earth, these islands, this soil, our atmosphere...
- On the Lord who is sovereign over our economy, the national infrastructure, the regional roads
- On the Lord who owns our 50,000 farms, the 500,000 businesses, and 625,000 rental properties across these Islands
- On the Lord who creates and sustains the global economy throughout history.
Concentrating on God's greatness and reflecting on God's goodness helps me reduce the distractions, enabling me to rest and work with a clearer focus on him.