In Philippians Chapter 2 the Apostle Paul is in a lock down of sorts.
His resources are limited, his movements are restricted and those he’s seeking to support are suffering.
How does Paul settle their nerves?
How does he speak to his own anxious heart?
He reminds them of three things:
In verses 1-4 he reminds them that, because of Jesus, they are the right people at the right time, and therefore they need to serve like Jesus.
In these unprecedented days, you, because of Jesus, are the right people, at the right time, for the churches, campsites and support ministries you serve.
In verses 5-18 he reminds them they have the resources they need for all that they face. They have Jesus, who, lived died and rose for them.
Jesus, who being himself God, becomes a man. Jesus, who being himself God, becomes a servant. To deal with the outbreak of our sin, death and evil, he faces the deepest distance and isolation from the Father on the cross.
To deal with our condition, he goes to the cross instead of us. To deal with our distance and Isolation from God, he experiences his own. In doing so, God vindicates Jesus, affirming his leadership at the head of the universe. The One who went to the cross, is King, he is the true King over everything and everyone, everywhere throughout all time.
Look around you. Think through the communications resources around you, whether it’s the simplest of technology or the most advanced.
Whatever is in front of you, it’s enough.
It’s enough because you’ve got Jesus.
Rest your confidence as a leader not in your resources, but in his reign. Rest your confidence in his death and resurrection and ultimate return.
Lastly, in verses 19-20, Paul wants to remind the Philippians they do not stand alone and neither you do. Your church, campsite, and support ministry--under God’s good hand--is part of a wider movement:
A movement that’s here to stand with you.
A movement who wants to support you, resource you, and serve you.