If you’ve ever been through the process of replacing a staff member who has resigned, you’ll know it can be a difficult and costly process. Not only are you faced with having to rework a job description, advertise for applicants, interview them and then make a decision, but you’re then having to prop up a ministry and then help a new person transition into a role without the ministry suffering.
If you’re employing a youth pastor or if you have a valued key leader who is doing an effective job, then it pays you to do all you can to keep them from stepping down. True, it will happen one day but sometimes resignations happen sooner than they need to and a new leader can take up to a year before they really have a handle on what the task requires.
Every year CCCNZ holds a national Youth Summit aimed primarily at youth pastors and key leaders. This year our theme is “longevity”. We’ll explore some of the factors that lead people to quit too soon and will help them develop strategies to keep themselves fresh and healthy – spiritually and emotionally.
Your youth pastor is busy and may not get around to registering. They may think they can’t afford to go, whereas maybe they can’t afford not to go! Encourage them to take this time out from 20 - 22 May at Totara Springs, Matamata to be with other youth pastors and to be in a place where God can speak to them. As a church, invest in these valuable people by paying the cost of their registration and travel expenses.
More details can be found here: http://youth.cccnz.nz/page/national-youth-summit/