CCCNZ South Island Enabler Tim Hodge, visited Bryndwr Chapel in Christchurch and he shares:
"It was an honour to be with Bryndwr Chapel last Sunday; such a marvellous spread for church lunch! It was good to meet Felix Chai (elder) and Andrei Popa, who are both involved in spreading God's Word in other languages.
"Andrei Popa is one of the leaders of Grace Romanian Church, a Romanian language Sunday afternoon congregation which last Sunday started meeting in Rowley Bible Church buildings. Felix Chai runs a Mandarin language Sunday evening Bible study for new believers.
Felix Chai (left) and Andrei Popa (right) at last Bryndwr Chapel Sunday lunch.
"Felix doesn't speak Romanian, and Andrei doesn't speak Mandarin, but with the support of each other and the wider Bryndwr Chapel family, many lives in both the Mandarin and Romanian-speaking communities are being impacted by the gospel."