I'm deeply encouraged to see how churches across the movement are pointing people to Jesus through the gospel, bringing the biblical story to life.
One of our movement's convictions from Scripture is that God has gifted and priested each individual believer. For this reason, it’s a joy to see so many using their gifts and abilities in making Christ known at Christmas.
The Christmas Story
Last weekend, Heretaunga Community Church, Upper Hutt, held their annual The Christmas Story event on Friday, Saturday evening and Sunday morning.
Pastor Stephen Shirley writes:
"The whole church facility gets transformed into the town of Bethlehem. There are Roman soldiers, animals, shepherds, fishermen, Rabbis, wise men, an angel choir and a town crier.
"There are interactive tents and stalls that have bead making, bread making, tapestry, perfumery, animal petting, foot washing, pottery, florist, and carpentry.
"There is a spit roast with lamb and barbecues with venison and fish, all caught and cooked by members of the church, and the Watering Well Cafe with authentic drinks and nibbles."
Stephen says that all these activities point to the stable and manger, where people can dress up and have their photos taken with Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus.
Over 100 people from the church volunteered and over 1,800 people attended over the three days!
The Travelling Knitivity
I loved hearing about the Travelling Knitivity, a wonderful Christmas tradition at Massey Community Church, which CCCNZ Children and Family Ministries Enabler, Julie McKinnon, recently highlighted in her newsletter.
Massey Community Church Children and Families Pastor Hannah Plews with the Knitivity.
It involves a travelling knitted nativity set that is passed from one family to another in the weeks leading up to Christmas.
Each year anyone at church can sign up to host the Knitivity set which includes a knitted nativity scene, books to read together, a notebook to write in and add pictures to, and a knitted decoration to keep for your tree.
MCC Children and Families Pastor, Hannah Plews, writes:
“One of the goals of the Knitivity is to create familiarity with the Christmas story—as you share the Knitivity experience as a family, perhaps have new insights into it, or enjoy the familiar words of the story. But perhaps a bigger goal is one of connection."
"The Knitivity is one of our favourite Christmas traditions here at Massey Community Church. It brings the generations together.”If you'd like to enjoy reading more stories like this one, why not subscribe to the Children and Families newsletter?
Glow in the Park
Every year Maungarei Community Christian Trust (in connection with Mt Wellington Community Church) runs an event called Glow in the Park, that usually takes place on a Sunday afternoon in a local park.
Senior Pastor Russell Grainger says the event is partly funded by the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board and other churches in the area also contribute financially. They estimate there were 1300 – 1500 people present last Sunday.
Russell comments,
“The afternoon has live music (Christian bands) for the adults and there are commercial bouncy castles for the kids.
“At dusk we sing carols and the Christmas story is told by reading the relevant scriptures throughout the carols and a Gospel message is preached.”
Left photo: Associate Pastor Phil Hutchinson and his daughter, Esther, presenting the Gospel just before the carol singing began.
Russell highlights it was great to see so many families enjoying time together and hearing the story of the incarnation.
Morning tea gift baskets
For the past few years, New Plymouth Community Church has been showing appreciation and gratitude to their neighbours by gifting them special morning tea boxes with food donated by church members.
Pastor Brian Ropitini comments:
“Each year we put together a generous morning tea and deliver it to our neighbours which included the New Plymouth Police station, a Veterinary Clinic, a Dental Clinic, St Mary’s Church and a handful of residential neighbours.
“We’re grateful for the team that organises and delivers these gifts.”
Brian says this gives them an opportunity to show Jesus' love and care toward their neighbours. The gifts are always received with gratitude and appreciation.
By Mark Grace, CCCNZ Ambassador