One of the great privileges the CCCNZ staff team has is the regular opportunity to meet with elders across the movement as they are invited into various elders' gatherings.
We're blessed by the ways we see elderships praying together for their church families, opening God's Word with each other, working through issues and shepherding God's people.
It's also a privilege to share some of these insights with you for your encouragement.
Uelese Fa'au, Lieuwe Doubleday, Sam Koh, Tim Hodge (Rowley's fourth elder Adrian Ting was away).
Tim Hodge, CCCNZ South Island Regional Enabler, recently met up with Rowley Bible Church Elders, via Zoom. Tim writes:
"Rowley Bible Church in Christchurch is in good heart.
"The four elders meet weekly on Zoom, and are so encouraged by God at work in and through them in lots of ways. They're looking forward to a kids school holiday programme, and rejoicing in the diversity of people and experiences God has brought together to reach their community.
"Please do pray for continued wisdom in how best to continue speaking for Jesus and living for Jesus in their neighbourhoods."