What an encouragement to hear that Lower North Island First Training was such a meaningful and fruitful time for developing leaders (aged 16-18) from CCCNZ/Open Brethren Heritage churches.
Young people from Kingston Community Church, Onslow Community Church, Church on Ingestre, Feilding Bible Chapel, The Anchor Church, and New Plymouth Community Church came together with their youth leaders at Highland Home in the Pohangina Valley.
Youth have the opportunity to meet others from like-minded churches, and to delve deeper into what growing in leadership would like in each of their contexts. Church on Ingestre pastor Doug Benn shared that it was an excellent weekend:
"My heart is full of thankfulness for this generation of young leaders that God is raising up. My crew talked virtually non-stop in the car on the way home about their learnings, the connections made, and ideas going forward for our youth ministry."
Parents Pete and Heather Rhodes-Robinson shared their perspective:
"A huge thanks to everyone involved planning, running, and inputting at First Training over the weekend. Our daughter Kelsey returned super-encouraged and motivated. She loved it! It was a late night debriefing the weekend. We appreciate your heart and service. We trust you were encouraged in that environment too! Thanks for pulling it all together Craig Barrow."
We're grateful for Mikaela Hosking (Feilding Bible Church), Shehan Thomas (Onslow Community Church), Nevin Buekes (Church on Vogel), Doug Benn (Church on Ingestre) and Craig Barrow (CCCNZ Youth and Young Adults) who led different sessions looking at what it means to go deeper with God through his Word, and exploring the heart and character of a Christian leader.
It was really special to hear from Doug Benn that the impact of First Training has developed over the years, as he noticed multiple leaders at the retreat who had once attended as youth themselves and were now coming along with young people they are mentoring.