On Tuesday morning Gary Gilpin Pastor at Feilding Bible Chapel hosted a meeting with CCCNZ PastorLink Enabler Mark van Wijk and pastors from the Manawatū-Whanganui region, including Kingston Community Church, Church on Vogel, and Crossroads Church.
A huge thank you to each of you for the way you point people to Jesus through the gospel from the Bible.
From left to right: Doug Benn (Church on Ingestre, Whanganui), Nevin Beukes (Church on Vogel, Palmerston North), Gary Gilpin (Feilding Bible Chapel), Kerry Rickard and Joel Birkin (Kingston Community Church, Palmerston North), Isaac Pettersen (Crossroads Church, Palmerston North).
Speaking of pastors, the CCCNZ PastorLink retreat is on again from 6 - 9 August at MiCamp Taupō. This is a special and significant retreat time for pastors and spouses. Mark and Steph van Wijk will be hosting the retreat and are looking forward to being with you.
Timon Bengston is the speaker for this year. Timon is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, and has been involved in both pastoral ministry and church leadership in Australia since 2006. Timon serves the Christian Community Churches of Australia movement as the Queensland State Network Co-ordinator.
Registrations are open! If you'd like more information check out our website below or contact Mark van Wijk directly: markvanwijk@cccnz.nz