I’m constantly encouraged to see ways church families are pointing their communities to Jesus.
It was lovely touching base with elders and ministry leaders from Onslow Community Church (OCC) at the Regional Summit. Pastor Pete Rhodes-Robinson has been in contact this week with an encouraging update about Serving Sundays.
“Serving Sundays” have become a regular part of OCC ethos. People of all ages work alongside each other to meet various needs in the community. Jobs are sourced through the contacts of individuals within the church and from the local community.
Pete comments,
“Over 80 people got involved at the most recent one on Sunday 26 May. Jobs included gardening/weeding, lawn mowing, moving and stacking firewood, helping a family shift house, picking up rubbish at a local school, baking cookies/muffins, making cards, and making meals for the community.“A large team assembled at a local intermediate's food tech to prepare over 30 cooked meals which were given away later in the day at a local community centre. It was fantastic to see young and old working together to prepare and distribute the meals, learning and being energised by each other in the process.”
Left photo: from left to right, Kelsey Rhodes-Robinson, Evie Joyce, Annette Linklater, Sharon Mee, Sally Rowe, and Jim Linklater ready to distribute meals and baking. Right photo: Stuart van Rij and Ross Lloyd shifting firewood.
They have two more Serving Sundays scheduled for this year, one in August and another one in November. We love to see how churches run innovative outreach programmes to point people to Jesus!
By Mark Grace, CCCNZ Ambassador