Geoff Rout, from Whangarei, has had a long association with Marsden Bay Christian Camp.
In 2007 Geoff had a vision to create an area of native bush at the camp for groups to enjoy. Geoff has spent many hours on this wonderful project which now has over 150 native trees. Most of the plants and trees have a wooden plaque depicting the name and history of the species. School groups have found it to be a very useful resource for activities and lesson planning.
Geoff has also made a seat for people to sit and enjoy this beautiful slice of God's natural creation with its abundant wildlife! On the seat he has carved "Third-Day Gardens". This is a reference to when God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." Genesis 1v11. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning - the third day. Genesis 1v12b-13.
Ian Rowe (Chairman of the Marsden Bay Christian Camp Board) had the privilege of leading a dedicatory service with over 35 in attendance when he shared about God creating this world out of nothing, and speaking existence into existence. Although we may have focused on the "days”, the focus must be on the God who speaks, reveals and creates. Creation ultimately reveals God. Creation is a gift, not a given. We see God's power and genius as the architect and maker of creation as well as His care and goodness for creation.
Geoff knows that as we sit on the seat or wander through the bush, seeing God’s creation can lead us into a deeper admiration for God and His handiwork. As groups and schools stay at Marsden Bay Christian Camp, we pray that they too will see the beauty of creation as a reminder of God. When we respect any part of God’s creation, be it nature or another human being, we are seeing value in what God has created and admire the creator.
When you are in the Marsden Bay area, you are welcome to wander through our "Third-Day Gardens" and experience the diversity of plants and animals which all bear witness to our creator and designer.
By Ian Rowe, Chairman Marsden Bay Christian Camp.