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How cultivating a heart of compassion sparked a multicultural church community

‘What did Christ value?’ This was the key question the people of City Bible Church (CBC) in Hamilton asked when they began developing their church’s values and vision. Their desire was for these values to become identifying markers of their church community. One of the six values they landed on was this: We value compassion for the needy. Senior Pastor Campbell Forlong says that at the time this was one area where they needed to develop: “We felt like out of all the values we had ident...

January 10, 2019

An international harvest in our own backyard

CCCNZ Communications Manager Sophia Sinclair talks with Dr Merv Coates about the unprecedented opportunities for multicultural ministry in Auckland because of globalisation.Demographers tell us that Auckland is one of the world’s most multicultural cities. I gather you’re excited about the implications of this for local mission? For sure! I saw a great headline from a New Zealand-based mission magazine: The people of the world: Coming to a street near you. It’s obviously true. The internat...

January 9, 2019

How do we 'love one another' when we're different?

Have you ever looked around church on a Sunday morning and noticed a room full of people who look exactly like you? Same age and stage of life. Same level of wealth and privilege. Same political views. Same skin colour. Same culture. Maybe it’s human nature, maybe it’s circumstance, or maybe it’s a mark of our society. Whatever the reason, our church families often represent silos of New Zealand culture—separate bodies that are self-contained and content. As New Zealand culture...

January 8, 2019

Where is God calling your church in 2019?

Haggai was not a book of the Bible that got much air-time in my teenage years. I knew the stories of the Pentateuch, delighted in the daring narratives of Joshua, Judges and Ruth, and was well-formed by a healthy dose of the gospels through Sunday School. But in the middle of the Bible lurked an array of awkwardly-named books that never drew me in. Full of poetry and confusing names—they weren’t as appealing as hearing about the early Church in Acts, or David’s exploits in Samuel’s b...

December 30, 2018

The 'inconvenient' Jesus

Right from the very start, Jesus was inconvenient! Consider Joseph, how inconvenient to be told by your girlfriend that she is going to have a baby, and imagine what people are going to say about you? It’s not even yours! What about Mary? Imagine telling mum and dad that you’re pregnant, even though you are not married, and having to tell your boyfriend that you are pregnant—and the baby is not his! What will people say about you?    As if that’s not uncomfortable enough, i...

December 20, 2018

Your church needs you!

Rongopai Editor Sophia Sinclair caught up with Nina and Josh Paget, youth group coordinators at Clark Road Chapel in Whangarei. Nina and Josh are voluntary workers who have been leading the group for 10 years and bring much-needed insight into how our churches can encourage and support unpaid volunteers.     How long have you guys been at Clark Road and what keeps you busy during the week? Nina has family at Clark Road Chapel (CRC) and has been coming along ever since her youth gr...

December 13, 2018

Why young Christians need theology

Article by Chris NorthcottLincoln Road Bible Chapel Youth Pastor During my late teens, when I was a new and young Christian, I was part of a weekly Bible study for young adults. The older woman who ran it had a verse that was an unofficial mission statement for us. It was a text that we returned to time and time again. Years later, I find myself sharing the same text with the young people under my watch. That verse is Daniel 11:32b: "The people who know their God shall stand firm and take action...

December 13, 2018

Four surprising facts about 'O Holy Night'

What do Mariah Carey, the cast of Glee and South Park’s Eric Cartman have in common? They’ve all recorded the Christmas classic O Holy Night. This Christian favourite is a powerful hymn that reduces many to tears and conveys both the majestic glory and redemptive aspects of the Christmas story. Well-known for its beautifully arranged score and spine-tingling high notes, O Holy Night can be heard everywhere from shopping malls to cathedrals during December. Here are four surprising facts abou...

December 13, 2018

"Jesus motivates us to serve"

We’re rejoicing with the team from Maungarei Community Christian Trust and Mt Wellington Community Church in Auckland on the opening of their new community centre, Te Ao Ngākau. “A few of us from the church noticed the rise in homeless and those on the margins in our area and felt that we should do something about it,” says pastor Russell Grainger, “there is a verse in the Bible that forms part of the guiding kaupapa for our church, James 1:26-27: ‘Anyone who sets himself up as “r...

December 12, 2018

Starting out right

Youth ministry is  a challenging and important journey, no more so than when we’re just starting out. To help you through the first year (or more) of youth ministry as a youth pastor or key leader, we offer a free coaching service to ensure that you start out right. Coaching takes place through regular meetings (face to face when possible) between the youth leader and a CCCNZ coach. Using our Coaching Manual, the leader takes responsibility for setting an agenda for meetings which may c...

December 12, 2018

7 Indicators of a Healthy Youth Ministry

It's easy to fall into the trap of numbers and immediate feedback to assess the effectiveness of our youth ministry. After all, no one wants to hear "I'll let you know seven years from now", when they ask the (dreaded?) question, "How's the youth ministry going?" When it comes to assessing a youth ministry, the best short term measurement is not popularity but health. But what does a healthy youth ministry look like? Here are seven indicators I have developed based on considerable study and per...

December 12, 2018

The Word became... fresh

We live in a place and time where the Bible is more accessible than ever—we’ve got apps, different translations, audio Bibles… yet so many of us struggle to develop a consistent reading habit and rhythm. At the end of last year the team at Hukanui Bible Church addressed this issue by posing the challenge: Let’s read the entire Bible together in 2018. They arranged for people to buy Bibles, advertised the challenge and encouraged anyone and everyone to join in. “Everyone had ...

December 11, 2018

Reaching out to your community at Christmas

Onslow Community Church used to put lights up on their building in the lead up to Christmas, but stopped in recent years. This year, with a renewed community focus, a group from their church knocked on doors in the surrounding streets to chat. "People commented that they missed the Christmas lights!" says Community Pastor Pete Rhodes-Robinson, "so we moved to reinstate the tradition this year! The local fire service even pitched in to help!" Onslow Community Church also runs an annual Kids Chris...

December 6, 2018

Pathways' School of Worship Leading is Back!

Pathways' School of Worship Leading is back and open for enrolments for 2019! CCCNZ Communications Manager caught up with new School of Worship Leading Coordinator Rosie Devery to ask her about the re-launch. What’s different about Pathways’ School of Worship Leading now that it’s back? It’s the same great content and focus on worship leading, but with increased flexibility and access. We realised that many worship leaders from around New Zealand were really keen to do the course, ...

December 5, 2018

Christmas is just around the corner

The season of Advent is here! How are you and your church community taking time out to focus on Jesus in the lead up to Christmas? Every year Maungarei Community Christian Trust (in connection with Mt Wellington Community Church) runs an event called Glow in the Park. The event is mostly funded by the local board, who asked the trust to run something for the community at Christmas. Glow in the Park is a Sunday afternoon family event and is now in its 5th year, involving a number of nearby...

December 5, 2018

Meet new CCCNZ PastorLink Enabler Kerry Rickard


November 21, 2018

The latest about PastorLink's new season

CCCNZ Ambassador Mark Grace joins Russell Grainger from PastorLink in sharing the news about PastorLink's new season:Dear elders and leaders, For 21 years PastorLink has served Pastors from churches with an Open Brethren Heritage. One of the significant blessings of PastorLink has been the annual Pastors' and Spouses' Retreat held in Taupo. As a local church pastor the PastorLink Retreat has been a constant blessing to me. I am immensely grateful for Russell Grainger’s leadership of PastorLi...

November 21, 2018

Christianity is an outward-looking faith

Christianity is an outward looking faith; we love because God first loved us. God sought us while we were still sinners and poured out his love and grace for us through his son Jesus. History is packed full of ways the great and glorious gospel of Jesus has motivated Christians to make a difference in the world around them: efforts to end slavery, to champion the education of women and children, to fight for justice and equality, to provide health care to those without means… …but...

November 15, 2018

How a Gap Year might change your life

Taking a gap year: it’s a Kiwi rite of passage that might seem indulgent or wasteful. But can a gap year be redeemed? Or is it all about selfish exploration and the refusal to grow up? Headspace is a gap year programme run by GC3 and provides young adults with an opportunity for growth and spiritual development.   For Melanie Crosbie (20), a gap year with Headspace in 2016 was the perfect opportunity to take a year out after completing high school to seriously consider her future and how ...

November 12, 2018

This is that

On the day of Pentecost, as the Holy Spirit was poured upon the earliest believers, those gathered experienced something undeniably new. They heard unschooled people standing and teaching with power—in languages they had never been taught! They saw this small, gathering of Jesus-followers united in message, proclaiming the mighty works of God. In an instant, something had changed for these people. And yet, Peter had the God-given wisdom to recognise that although this was new—it wa...

November 10, 2018

Dates for your 2019 calendar


November 2, 2018

Jackie Millar: new CCCNZ Prayer Coordinator

Welcome Jackie Millar, the new CCCNZ Prayer Coordinator!We see the mobilisation of prayer amongst our movement of churches and support ministries as central to the growth of the gospel. Jackie has a passion for prayer and has been involved in various prayer ministries, in various church settings, for many years.In this role, Jackie is seeking to serve local churches and support ministries to inflame people's hearts for prayer.Jackie and her husband Ken fellowship at Raleigh Street Christian...

November 1, 2018

Tomorrow's Leaders Equipped: A Story of Leadership Transition

Four years ago, Papatoetoe Bible Chapel was at a crossroads. They had an ageing eldership, and a growing younger body of their church--but no clear path for transition. One Sunday, a sermon A Vision for Our Church was preached that asked all of those who were aged over 65 to stand up. The preacher explained that these people are 'Yesterday's People'. The preacher then asked those aged 25-60 to stand up. The preacher explained that these people are 'Tomorrow's People'. He then aske...

October 31, 2018

New CCCNZ Board Members Elected

It’s with pleasure that the Board of CCCNZ announces that Debbie Bosse and Rick Iles, both of Auckland, are elected to the board.  Nominations closed on Monday 8 October, and on receiving Rick and Debbie’s nomination and endorsement by their elders, the CCCNZ Board is pleased to confirm their election to the board.  Receiving two nominations for the two vacancies dispenses with the need to hold elections this year. Elections will be held again this time next year f...

October 19, 2018

Auckland Conference: Everyday Disciple Making, photo gallery September 2018

Register now!...

September 15, 2018 Posts 476-500 of 526 | Page prev next

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