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A Prayer For Our Church Leaders

Robert Mitchell, Tasman ChurchMy Father, I give thanks first for past leaders who were faithful to Your calling in using the gifts of grace You gave them, to bear testimony of Christ in the places You put them. I thank you also for today’s leaders, whether a leader of few or a leader of many; whether a leader in the church or a leader in the community; for they are a blessing as they demonstrate faith, wisdom, humility, care, patience and perseverance to those they lead. I ask that You comfort...

April 2, 2022

Missing the point

Luke 22:7-28 It’s the last supper. The hour is now. The climax of Jesus’ life and work is at hand. The central events of history are happening.  Jesus gathers those closest to him to share the deepest of realities. He is going to suffer. His body and blood are going to be poured out. The result: an argument erupts. It’s not about Jesus. It’s not about his death. It’s about them. It’s about their status. It’s about their significance. It’s a...

April 1, 2022

Stop doing, keep doing, and start doing

In Revelation 2-4 Jesus takes stock of the seven churches and makes an overall assessment of where each church is at.The assessment shows them what to stop doing, keep doing, and start doing. What they choose to do will depend on how clearly and seriously they see the glorious and risen Lord Jesus. His purity and power. His greatness and holiness. His hold over history. His grace and truth. Their fidelity and faithfulness will be shaped by their focus. Are they...

March 25, 2022

Our refuge is our resurrected Saviour

Emma and I are reading and praying through the Psalms. This morning it was Psalm 31. David’s external world is crashing in on him. He speaks of a city under siege. He speaks of enemies, the contempt of neighbours, and the dread of friends. He speaks of people crossing the street to avoid him, of traps set for him and of terror on every side. His physical and spiritual worlds are in turmoil. He speaks of anguish that is ageing him, afflictions that weaken his body, accusations th...

March 18, 2022

Rebuilding, a lesson from Ezra

In Ezra 3:7-13 the people of God go back to the future. After exile, and after returning to the land they rebuild the temple.Before the end of this year, it's plausible that we, as church families, will go back to the future.We will have the opportunity to return and rebuild our gatherings and life together as local churches.What can we learn from Ezra 3?  It’ll be the same but differentThe people of God rebuild God’s temple. It’s the same. It’s God’s temple.&n...

March 11, 2022

Christian Leadership in a time of dissension

The Church in Ephesus is a mess.False teachers and teaching are wreaking havoc.False teachers focus on feathering their own platforms, power, and wealth in the process. Relationships are at breaking point. What does Christian Leadership involve in a time of dissension? Look with me through 1 Timothy 6:11-21It involves being reminded who we are and whose we are as leaders. Christian leadership in a time of dissension involves: Fleeing the noise (6:11)In 1 Timothy 6:4-5 Christi...

March 4, 2022


Paul remembers. He and Barnabas are being sent. Sent to the Gentiles. Sent to preach the gospel. Sent by the apostles.What’s the one thing they are asked to do? What’s the one thing they are charged with? What’s the one thing they should remember?  In Galatians 2:10, Paul recounts,  “All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I had been eager to do all along”.'They' being James, Peter, and John, asking that Paul, in the preaching ...

February 25, 2022

Declaring Christ Crucified

"But though we had already suffered and been shamefully treated at Philippi, as you know, we had boldness in our God to declare to you the gospel of God in the midst of much conflict". - 1 Thessalonians 2:2 It’s AD 51, churches from Judea to Thessalonica are riven, ravaged, and rattled. Across 2000km it feels like every church is roiled, there’s rumblings… it’s likely hot heads want retribution.At the centre of it is the reviled Apostle Paul and his apo...

February 18, 2022

God is

The Thessalonians are suffering.Paul and the apostolic team are being persecuted.The Judean churches are being brutalised. The churches in Macedonia and Achaia are being terrorised to the point of destitution.The external pressure on the Thessalonians is immense. The internal pressure within the church from false prophets, and idle and disruptive believers is almost as painful. The conflict is real. Into this powder keg the Apostle Paul shows us Christian Leade...

February 11, 2022

Standing at the centre

Ephesians Chapter 2:11-22 invites me, a Gentile, to remember where we were and reminds us where we are.  Where we were: "...remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world." (v 12). We were separate from God, excluded, without hope, foreigners, without God in the world. Where we are: "Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, ...

February 4, 2022


Some of the team that helped stock 20 drums heading to Tonga for relief. ...

January 21, 2022

Connecting during the Delta outbreak

There is no question that the Delta variant outbreak in 2021 was significantly harder than previous outbreaks of COVID-19. Parents have found the home learning and life juggle harder, more people are seeking help for mental health concerns, and churches and church leaders are facing numerous challenges. There’s a cumulative effect from the turmoil of the past 18 months, says PastorLINK Enabler Kerry Rickard, “Church leaders have had no respite from the relentless decision-making that is requ...

December 24, 2021

Summit Connections

Leslie Scott (left) and Rebekah Reeve (right)...

December 24, 2021

Connecting at Easter Camp: Siao-wei Huang

“The highlight of the Top of the South Easter camp for me was being able to spend time with other Christians and meet other people. To hear amazing speakers and learn things I might have not noticed before—it reminded me of what God did for us. I loved the way the speakers shared their message, by using stories.“The thing that stood out to me in the talks was that it reminded me again about Easter. Also it reminded me to think that it should’ve been me, everything that Jesus went thr...

December 24, 2021

Connecting at Easter Camp: Cate Wilson

“My highlight of the North Island Easter Camp 2021 was the Sunday morning service, when so many people lifted their hands either to renew their relationship with Christ or to accept Christ in their lives for the first time.“So many people’s lives were touched by this camp including mine; I have been a Christian for a long time now, but leading up to Easter Camp I felt overworked and stressed out. I had been too focused on making my last year of high school count but I had somehow begun to ...

December 24, 2021

Connecting at Easter Camp

In 2021 CCCNZ youth leaders in the South and North Islands came together to plan and host Easter Camps specifically for connecting CCCNZ youth groups. Putting on the North Island Easter Camp at Tōtara Springs Christian Centre was a team effort coordinated by Hangyul Cho, the Associate Pastor at Northcross Church. Hangyul said that leaders from at least 10 churches were involved, with each taking responsibility for different elements of the camp. They were pleased with the outcome.“It felt ver...

December 24, 2021

Regional Connections

It’s isolating work.That’s a surprising fact for those of us who see children’s ministry workers constantly connecting with the most energetic and open members of our churches. But many in those roles regularly describe it that way—isolating.Ten years ago, while working as Children and Families Pastor at Hillcrest Chapel, Julie McKinnon joined a ‘cluster’ meeting for other Waikato-based children’s ministry leaders set up by Karen Warner, who was leading the Baptist Union’s Ch...

December 23, 2021

Connecting to Support Outreach and Evangelism

Word of Life NZ’s Youth Reachout typically takes place in Fiji and Samoa. It’s a three week trip focusing on evangelism and personal development in a cross-cultural context. But with COVID-19 putting a stop to overseas travel in 2021, it became Youth Reachout Roadtrip. During the July school holidays a team of 20 people (Word of Life staff, their families, and young people) traveled around New Zealand to partner with different churches in hosting evangelistic community events. “It was real...

December 23, 2021

Camping Connections

“When was the last time you had four or five people in your church, in one morning, say, ‘I want to become a Christian?’” That’s a normal day at Teapot Valley Christian Camp—seeing four or five youth taking the next step towards faith in Jesus. As CCCNZ’s Camping Enabler, Richard Davis has plenty of opportunities to say what he’s been asking for some time: “That’s the opportunity before us; don’t you want to be part of it?” In Nelson, leaders from the trustee churches...

December 23, 2021

Canterbury Connections

“Connections between people and churches really started gaining traction last year—ironic given 2020 was a year where we experienced increased restrictions because of COVID-19!” Lawson Scott as served as the CCCNZ Canterbury Regional Enabler since 2016, a voluntary role where he seeks to encourage connection among Open Brethren heritage and independent churches, campsites, and support ministries in Canterbury.“We’re all fiercely independent, we look different and feel different as ...

December 23, 2021

Seven Reminders From Ephesians

Mark Grace CCCNZ Ambassador The COVID situation is pressing and stressful, but it’s not centralIn Ephesians Paul names his imprisonment twice—it’s significant, but it’s never central. Christ. His gospel. His Church. These are central. The COVID-19 pandemic, and the government’s public health response, have become increasingly significant, but they are not central. Our goal hasn’t changed The beating heart of Ephesians 1 is God’s grace to us in Jesus and his death and resurrecti...

December 23, 2021

Finding meaning in the mess

By CCCNZ Ambassador Mark Grace The Christmas story in Luke feels messy. Luke leads with messy people, messy politics, and messy births. If you wanted to know who was in the middle of the mess you’d naturally think—Rome! Caesar Augustus has spoken and the region's peoples are on the move. The result: Joseph and Mary are on the move to Bethlehem. Looking deeper into the mess of the first Christmas, we remember the words of Micah centuries earlier, prophesying: “But you, Bethleh...

December 10, 2021

Hillcrest Chapel's Journey With Prayer

By CCCNZ Prayer Coordinator Jackie Millar In March 2020, I met with two elders from Hillcrest Chapel (Waikato) to talk about prayer in their church community. Their heart for “more” in prayer was evident; not only for themselves or the elders but for the whole church.   Fast forward through various COVID-19 lockdown levels, changes within their church community, including changes in pastoral staff, a few Zoom prayer meetings, and hosting the Waikato Prayer Gathering in August... an...

December 2, 2021

Planning for the COVID-19 Protection Framework

A church in our movement have developed these Traffic Light planning templates and have shared them here for churches to adjust, customise and use. ...

November 26, 2021

Biblical Framework: an approach to vaccines and meeting together

Pastor at Manawarū Bible Chapel, Justin Thompson, has shared a Biblical Theology Framework for approaching vaccines and meeting as a church under the COVID-19 Protection Framework....

November 26, 2021 Posts 326-350 of 526 | Page prev next

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