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Opening Doors for the Gospel

"Kia whakakitea atu ai e ahau, kia rite ai taku korero ki te mea i tika.""Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.""Ina ia ou faailoa atu ai, faapei ona tatau ona ou tautala atu ai. "—Colossians 4:4When Paul wrote those words, he was in prison.It’s likely that he was thrown in prison for speaking the gospel. Now, his ability to proclaim the gospel is radically reduced.But faced with profound restrictions and limitations, it’s fascinating what he asks the Colossians for in chapter ...

March 31, 2023

Atawhai: Churches Serving Schools

We love seeing how churches are serving schools to point children, parents, and staff to Jesus.Sarah Chalmers from Hillcrest Chapel in Hamilton writes:"We have this amazing ministry called Atawhai. Twice a year, a survey is sent to our local school, Silverdale Normal School, asking about what practical support our church can offer whānau."This term we had 17 families reach out to us with requests for kids' clothing, which is the most we’ve ever had. It reflects the growing need out there."The...

March 31, 2023

Stewards Executive in Auckland

Stewards Executive. Left to right: Graham Anderson (Bryndwr Chapel), Malcolm Davie (Vivian Street Gospel Hall), Glenys Yeoman (Eden Community Church) Murray Frost (Rutland Street Church), Jeff Simpson (New Plymouth Community Church), Phil Humphries (Manurewa Bible Church), Stephen Munn (Northcross Church), John Robinson (Northcross Church), Greg Eden (Auckland Bible Church) Cameron Bennett (Whitiora Bible Church), Gordon Fountain (Eden Community Church), Ruth Early ( Johnsonville, joined via Zoo...

March 31, 2023

Marsden Bay Christian Camp News

Geoff Rout, from Whangarei, has had a long association with Marsden Bay Christian Camp.In 2007 Geoff had a vision to create an area of native bush at the camp for groups to enjoy. Geoff has spent many hours on this wonderful project which now has over 150 native trees. Most of the plants and trees have a wooden plaque depicting the name and history of the species. School groups have found it to be a very useful resource for activities and lesson planning....

March 30, 2023

Where do churches fit in when a natural disaster strikes?

In writing about this topic from the perspective of a Community Pastor at Clark Road Chapel in Whangarei, I am very aware that whilst Cyclone Gabriel did create a lot of damage up here, it is nothing compared to our friends in the Hawkes Bay, and nothing compared to our friends in Christchurch who had to deal with Earthquakes.Personally, I did think a lot of CRC’s readiness to help our community if we should be needed.Thought No 1: Where is your church placed? Is your church and community in a...

March 29, 2023

He Comes For Us

"I te aonga ake ka mea a Ihu kia haere ki Kariri, a ka kite i a Piripi: a ka mea a Ihu ki a ia, E aru i ahau.""The next day Jesus decided to leave for Galilee. Finding Philip, he said to him, 'Follow me.'""O le isi aso, na finagalo ai Iesu e maliu atu i Kalilaia. Na maua e ia Filipo, ma fetalai atu ‘iā te ia, 'Mulimuli mai ‘iā te a‘u.'"—John 1:43Historian and author Tom Holland studied Ancient Greece and Rome for years. He makes a striking observation: those ancient cultures had no sen...

March 24, 2023

Crisis Response in Havelock North

We appreciated hearing from Pastor Matthew Johnston from Riverbend Bible Church in Havelock North about their response to the devastation caused by Cyclone Gabrielle.After checking in on and assisting their church members, they began reaching out into their local community. The church offered practical assistance to families recovering from the destruction, including the preparation of food in their church kitchen.  They have also been helping other churches with th...

March 24, 2023

Churches Work Together to Reach Children and Their Families

On Saturday, 18th of March, thirty leaders of all ages from Church Street Bible Chapel, Glentunnel Chapel and Rutland Street Church gathered at Rutland Street Church for the Canterbury regional Rally training day.The churches are seeking to reach children and families in their communities through Rally.We are grateful for new leaders, Brodie and Heather De Gouw from Church Street Bible Chapel (above) and delighted to see the multigenerational nature of leadership developing in Rally....

March 24, 2023

Church Planting News

We are excited to see Clark Road Chapel praying for and encouraging Lighthouse Church as they become fully independent. Praise God for how he is growing his church in the Northland!The Lighthouse Church team writes:“We had a wonderful day celebrating an awesome milestone for Lighthouse Church."The church as a whole, along with the leadership team, were prayed for and encouraged by Andrew and Herman, from Clark Road Chapel, as we became fully independent."This is such a wonderful blessing from ...

March 24, 2023

Around Auckland

Three churches and about twenty keen youth leaders joined together with South Auckland Youth Enabler Scott Doddrell. Scott has settled in to Hamilton life and continues serving with Word of Life. He still plans to visit Auckland. Northcross hosted a watch party along with Orewa Community Church and Clark Rd Chapel (Whangarei). The watch party has generated interest among Auckland leaders for ongoing encouragement, teaching and equipping. Youth Director, Isaac Claasen says: "the event was we...

March 23, 2023

Two Churches at One Campsite

The dining hall in the Willow Park Convention Center was full last Saturday. Lunch and afternoon tea proved to be popular times for two church groups to meet up.Manurewa Bible Church family camp and thirteen Howick Community Church leaders connecting for their governance training workshop have been hosted by the camp staff.Four of the HCC leaders are pictured. (Right hand side) Graham Luey, chair of the elders said “we are three boards aiming for one direction”. Next to Graham are Brigi...

March 23, 2023

Clarke Road and NorthCross Meeting at Marsdon Bay

We love to see churches working together to support each other—here Clark Road Chapel in Whangārei is supported at their church camp by Northcross Church in Auckland, who sent pastor Andrew Neville as a speaker.Has your church partnered with another church for ministry and mission? We’d love to hear about it!...

March 23, 2023

The Cyclone - One Month on in Hastings

Maria Henderson, from Riverbend Bible Church, writes:"One month on from the cyclone clean-up, much has been done, but there is still a lot to do."I am the sort of person who likes networking and connecting people. Early on I saw that there were plenty of places to serve, and many people wanting to serve, but they don't always know where to start."So, for the last four weeks I have been working with others to go for drives, following leads and knocking on doors, aski...

March 17, 2023

Coopers Beach Camp Working with Churches

The Coopers Beach Camp trustees meeting together. Above, from left: William Savill, Vince Mason, Lynley Fleming, and Reg Carr. Below, from left: Reg Carr, Craig Johnson, Mike Flay and Andy Fleming (standing in for John Aish)...

March 17, 2023

The Lamb of God

"I te aonga ake ka kite ia i a Ihu e haere ana mai ki a ia, ka mea, na, te Reme a te Atua, hei waha atu i te hara o te ao!"“Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! "“Silasila i le tama‘i mamoe a le Atua na te ‘ave‘esea le agasala a le lalolagi!"—John 1:29From the very centre of Jewish power in Jerusalem to the poorest town on the outskirts of the nation, the air was charged with expectations about the Messiah. After four hundred years of silence, and without any s...

March 17, 2023

Starting the year with prayer

It’s always encouraging for me to hear of churches that set aside time at the beginning of the year to focus on prayer.Starting this way reminds us of the One to whom we pray and the One we are to behold. We are reminded that for all our abilities and good intentions, we are desperate for Him in the life of the Church and beyond.Whether it’s a teaching series on prayer or a corporate prayer day, whether it's a prayer and fasting period or a prayer and worship session, let’s continue to see...

March 13, 2023

Hui Brings Camps Together

On Friday night, forty-five leaders gathered at the heritage Brethren Christian Camping Hui, held at Silverstream Retreat in Lower Hutt, Wellington. Twenty-one out of the 23 campsites across our movement had at least one trustee in attendance.One goal of the Hui was to discuss how can we work together better as campsites, together with the churches in our regions, to point people to Jesus through the gospel from the Scriptures. Thank you to our wonderful hosts, George Ross, owner and director of...

March 10, 2023

Meet Dorothy

Let me introduce you to Dorothy (above) from Hope Community Church in Nelson.Every year, Dorothy has made batches of relish for her church family's missions fundraising barbecue.Dorothy has done this for about twenty years. Bit by bit, and year by year, Dorothy has ended up raising over $46,000 for global missions. Dorothy, we are all grateful for your example of using what you have, where you are to serve God’s global purposes. You are a beautiful reminder that small things done well over lo...

March 10, 2023

Who is He?

A ka ui ratou ki a ia, Tena, pehea? Ko Iraia koe? Ka mea ia, Kahore. Ko te poropiti oti koe? Ka whakahokia e ia, Kahore. Na ka mea ratou ki a ia, Ko wai koia koe? Hei kupu whakahoki ma matou ki te hunga i tonoa mai ai matou. E pehea ano koe ki a koe?They asked him, “Then who are you? Are you Elijah?” He said, “I am not.” “Are you the Prophet?” He answered, “No.” Finally they said, “Who are you? Give us an answer to take back to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?...

March 10, 2023

Back to School

By CCCNZ Children and Family Ministries Enabler Julie McKinnonIt has been great to hear of churches celebrating children and young people as the school year begins. This is being done is a variety of ways.Jake Moir at New Plymouth Community Church posted their blessing prayer on the church's Facebook page as an encouragement to teachers and children as they returned to school.“On Sunday we prayed this prayer for those in our church heading back to school and contributing to the education of ou...

March 3, 2023

Churches Reaching Children and Families

It is a Sunday morning, and community kids who have come into relationship with their local churches through Rally are having what might be their first taste of being on a boat, shooting air rifles and hearing the good news of Jesus.What a delight it was to be at the Manawatū Regional Rally Camp. It was such a privilege to join Aaron Campbell from Bunnythorpe, Graeme Honore from Queen Street Gospel Chapel in Levin and Gavin Ander from Whanganui as they helped children—many for the first time...

March 3, 2023

New Staff at Churches

CCCNZ Youth Enabler Murray Brown would like to introduce us to Brad Shepherd (above) who leads the youth ministry at Chapel Hill Community Church alongside his friend Daniel Airey.Murray comments: “It is always inspiring to meet impressive young leaders like Brad who willingly use their time to give to others what they themselves received during their time in youth group." ...

March 3, 2023


"Heoi whitikiria nga hope o o koutou hinengaro, kia mataara, tumanako atu, a taea noatia te mutunga, ki te aroha noa e kawea mai ki a koutou a te whakakitenga mai o Ihu Karaiti.""Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ."—1 Peter 1:13It is an unsettling time for the church in New Zealand. People are on the move, displaced. They are shut out of their homes and living with re...

March 3, 2023

Frustration and Faith

"Ki te tino kaiwhakatangi. He himene na Rawiri. Kia pehea te roa o tou wareware ki ahau, e Ihowa?" "How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever?"—Psalm 13:1 Frustration and faith. Full-throated frustration and full-blooded faith. As it turns out, both frustration and faith can be felt at the same time. God is there, in our frustration and in our faith. He hears us. In the first two verses of Psalm 13, frustration erupts.Frustration: "God, I feel forgotten by you." Frustration: "God, I feel unse...

February 24, 2023

Whose We Are

"Na Pita, he apotoro na Ihu Karaiti, ki te hunga whiriwhiri e noho manene ana i Ponoto, i Karatia, i Kaporokia, i Ahia, i Pitinia, He hunga kua oti te whiriwhiri, te pera ano me ta te Atua Matua i matau ai i mua, i runga i te whakatapunga a te Wairua, kia ngohengohe, kia tauhiuhia ki nga toto o Ihu Karaiti: Kia whakanuia ki a koutou te aroha noa, me te rangimarie. "Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to God’s elect, exiles scattered throughout the provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia,...

February 16, 2023 Posts 251-275 of 526 | Page prev next

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